Wednesday, October 31, 2018

On the Recording of “How Do You Do”

The scene:  A 70s era recording studio in the 70s.  In Amsterdam.  Their manager watches in as they start to perform their first take.

MOUTH AND MACNEAL:  “🎤🎧📇🎵💲How do you do, Uh Huh/ I thought why not, na na na na  Just me and you and then we can na na na na...
MANAGER:  (waves to the producer to stop). (To M&M: ). What the hell is this, this na na na business??
MOUTH OR MACNEAL:  Well, that’s as far as we got. 
 MACNEAL OR MOUTH:  It’s hard to come up with good English. 
MANAGER:  Do you have a Dutch version?  
MOUTH OR MACNEAL:  It HAS to be in English.  We won’t make the US charts otherwise.
MANAGER, (sarcastically). Well Ok John Lennon.  But the only chart you’re gonna make with those lyrics is “Sub-par Bands Who Aren’t  American.”
MOUTH AND MACNEAL(murmuring to each other in Dutch, trying to sing a little bit and making half hearted effort to fill chorus with real words.)
MANAGER: Well, I guess you’re gonna have to do it your way.  We don’t have time to write a new song.

MOUTH AND MACNEAL:  (Records song and releases it.  Song makes it to the American charts.  Young Boomerlets like me march around together in Girl Scout Canps singing chorus.)

Monday, June 18, 2018

The Individual-crushing Machine of Identity Politcs.

Allow my to introduce myself.  My name is Kelly. It is true that in the year of my birth, there were many births of people named Kelly.  But I didn't really have anything in common with those Kellys because I was this Kelly, the only one I know of  who was born at 11:50 a.m. on August 7, 1962, at St. Mary's hospital in Livonia, Michigan.

Things I think about when I wonder why Jesus is waiting so long to come back (which is a lot these days)